Welcome Cal Robert McIntyre. Cal was born on October 4th at 1:47 am. He weighed 8 lbs. 13 oz. and was 21 1/2 inches long. He was born with a full head of dark hair. He is just perfect and we are so blessed to have him as a part of our family. Brother Max was so excited to meet him and hasn't stopped kissing him.
Cal and Ella Houghton born 2 days apart
Baby Cal got Max some toys. He loved his drill set.
Thank you Baby Cal!
Boppa and Gigi watched Max while we were
at the hospital. I think he was a bit spoiled!
Cal's 1st Bath
Uncle Phil and Max watching Old McDonald on YouTube
New tent from Gigi
At Lazlo's with Gigi and Boppa. Max loved
dipping his fries in honey mustard.
Cal's 1st outing to the doctor's office.
My girlfriends meeting Baby Cal
Max laying in Cal's bassinet in the hospital
Jacuzzi at Gigi and Boppa's
August Michael Lee
He is just precious!
Cal and I visting his buddy in the hospital.
The Bellevue Barry Farm
Rosie and Don came with us.
Max picked out his own pumpkin
and loved going down the slide and
looking at all the animals.
Lauritzen Gardens
Megan's Baby Shower
Brian and Tyler getting ready to go to
Jeff and Alison's wedding
More Pictures from Bellevue Berry farm
Hand up is the only was you can
get him to look at the camera:)
Lyne and Stell babysitting Max.
They taught him the crocodile sound!
Mother/Daughter/Children Halloween party at
Vicki Wampler's. Max was a farmer and Cal
was a monkey.
Luke and Lynn had a lemonade stand
Max hiding at our soon to be new house. He loved
going into all the closets and checking everything out.
"kith" "kith" Baby Cal
Auggie, Ella, and Cal
Cal and Ella
Max: "Hold it please."
Connor (Liz and Devin's Baby) and Cal
Brian and Matt and Stacy Schieber
At first Max was not a fan at all.
We went with a big group of people and
all teh kids would go up to the door to get candy and
Max would stop about 10 feet from the door and say, "no". Once
he found out that candy was involved he just walked right up to the door with Brian and said, "candy". Then he walked into the grass and said, "eat, eat it." Brian would give him 1 m&m and tehy were off to the next house.
More fun October Pictures
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