Sunday, February 3, 2013

November 2012

Goofy Cousins

Max making a birthday card for Luke and Lynn

Check out this face

Cal joining Max in his crib after a nap

Trying on glasses at Mrs. Shelly's

Max reading to his Baby Brother.  So Sweet!

Max wants to do whatever Cal is doing

The boys with Uncle Phil Phil

TWINS.  Max lays down in the Boppy and says, "Blankie please."

Happy 30th Birthday Brian!

Great Pose

Baby Auggie

Ice Cream for dinner.   DELISH!

Love this pic of Cal

At the hospital meeting Baby Auggie

Playdate with Cal, Ella, and Auggie

Davis family came over to welcome
us to our new home.  Luke and Lynn played
on the iPad with Max.

Max and Leo

YouTube on the iPhone


I love Cousins!!  The Klein family came over 
for a visit.  Nora loved holding Baby Cal.

They love Bath time. The second Baby Cal 
gets out Max jumps into his tiny tub. 

Playing in the sink

Taking a shower

Cuddle Time

Thanks Grammie and Pappa for the shirt

All the cousins.

Love this hair

Max wanted to be swaddled just like Baby Cal
