Sunday, July 24, 2011


July has been kind of a crazy month.  I got a job in Omaha teaching 3rd grade at Palisades.  So Max and I will be moving in with Gigi and Grandpa Dave until Brian finishes up with school in December.  We are going to miss Brian and all of our Oklahoma friends so much!

Max is barrel rolling everywhere.  It is hilarious to watch.  He is finally starting to figure out how to get to the particular toy that he is going for.  Before it was trial and error.  If I roll this way ... no... maybe the other way.  We are going to have to start baby proofing:)

He has also learned how to sit up!  He looks so cute sitting up with his chubby cheeks and chunky legs.  He is actually starting to enjoy his baby food.  At first I was a little worried.  He prefers oatmeal to rice cereal and loves sweet potatoes and bananas.  We will soon be venturing out to more foods.

Max and Carl have become best friends!!  Carl goes into Max's room when he is sleeping and lays by his crib.  It is so cute!  Currently, we are trying to teach them how to share.  A couple of days ago, Max was on the ground playing with one of his toys and noticed one of Carl's bones.  Carl was carefully watching Max play.  Max started rolling toward the bone.  Carl was not about to share his bone... he ran right on over to the bone and grabbed it.  Brian and I were cracking up!

Robert's Birthday Party

Christina's Baby Shower
The 3 Pregnant Ladies

Christina and the Hosts

All the Girls

Ortho wives get together to celebrate Baby Wright and say farewell to me:(  I will miss these girls so much. 

Max jumped so much that he fell asleep

Just waking up from his jumperoo nap

Playing with Carl

Ava reading Max a story.  She is so sweet to him.

Get together at our house

A little game called Shoulders.  SO FUN!

Waking up from a Nap

Carl napping

5 month photo

Thanks Deana, Neil, and Nora for the Walker

He sleeps on his tummy now so this is what he looks like when he gets up from a nap.

First time with a Sippy Cup

Just hangin' out on Daddy's Laundry

Tug of War with Carl

So proud of our little man.  He is sitting up so good!

Max Sleeping

Standing up in his crib with some help:)

His Favorite New Spot